Through our conversations, I felt genuinely understood and accepted, which fostered the spiritual nurturing and growth I desperately needed.
— CF
Serena has a really unique ability to listen to your concerns, empathize with your issues, and then gently guide you towards taking action and cheering you on all along the way. She is warm, caring and effective, a fantastic combination of qualities that makes her a great transformational nurse coach
— WL
Coaching with Serena gave me a safe place to vent some of my fears and concerns. It also enabled me to gain clarity and focus with regard to changes I want to implement.
— KB
Rather than going around in circles thinking about manifesting my dream to offer the community non-polluting and quiet landscaping techniques, in exactly eight weeks of coaching, my two yards went to 20. I’ll be busy this spring and summer and the air will be quieter and cleaner for it.
— Susan Angst, Unicorn Lawn & Mow Green